Welcome to my HOME – A Violence and Suicide Prevention Zone.

                                                                                YOU. Can’t take it with you.” Paul Kelly
                                                            But we can leave an awful lot of Positive Change behind!
This is a non-professional, user end-user-friendly site. Its Dedicated to Increasing the Emotional Intelligence of ALL our Aussie Population, Reducing Suicides and Decreasing Violence, particularly by Males; against Women, Children AND Themselves! Both now and into future generations. 
President John F. Kennedy had a Dream to put a man on the moon. And DID.
If JFK could make the seemingly impossible actually happen…    
tim barritt x 
(Please note for any New or Repeat Valued Visitors, after 5.3.25., I STRONGLY suggest you visit the Site Map:- to get the most value, Time EFFICIENTLY from UR Visit! x)
By Hon Catherine King, Parliamentary Secretary for Infrastructure and Transport. (2012).
*“In 2011, Australia recorded the lowest number of road deaths since 1946,
down to about a third of the deaths recorded at the peak in 1970. Over the
past 10 years annual fatalities on Australian roads have fallen by almost
These figures reflect the (1.) proactive road safety initiatives pursued by Federal
and State governments over recent years: (2.)the efforts of Police and (3.) greater
care taken by Motorists behind the Wheel.
“Last year the Australian Government in partnership with the States and
Territories launched the National Road Safety Strategy 2011-2020 that aims
to cut road deaths and serious injuries by at least 30 per cent by 2020.”*
(She may NEVER KNOW when she put out this wonderful media release, it was the TRIGGER which inspired me to spent circa a decade to research, conceive and give birth to my Dream. If Australia can achieve this stunning result with Road Fatals, we can do the same (or better) with Suicides. Thank U. Thank U. To the Hon Catherine King.)
Tim Barritt xxx

By the then beyondblue CEO Ms Kate Carnell (2014)
beyondblue CEO Kate Carnell AO has expressed her deepest concerns after
“Australian Bureau of Statistics figures released today (*beyondblue media release
25.3.14) show suicide was the leading cause of death for Australians aged
between 15 and 44 in 2012. The figures, which are preliminary, show 2,535
deaths have so far been recorded as suicide in 2012. This is equivalent to
around seven per day or 37 men and 12 women each week, making suicide
the 14th most common cause of death in the country.
Ms Carnell said the figures represent a national tragedy and should act as a
call to action for all Australians to tackle the issue of suicide.*”

By the Australian Bureau of Statistics.
“Suicide rates in Australia peaked in 1963 (17.5 per 100,000), declining to
11.3 per 100,000 in 1984, and climbing back to 14.6 in 1997. The age
standardised rate for persons in 2012 was 11.2 per 100,000.” 
Kindly Note… 
  1. For the FULL 15Pg Downloadable PDF on Stats. 1921-2014 for your information and verification as and if needed. (This is also found on Main Menu Bar :- Stats. 1921-2014, immediately to LEFT of Home Page.) Just click on #2 below…
  2. Suicide-and-Road-Fatality-Stats-E-14-12-16-with-Graph-and-all-Data-used
  3. This is why Circa 70% of this ‘old-fashioned‘ site contains all of the ORIGINAL historical Pages and Data
  4. As well as those from Circa Jan 2023, when I started “moving”…
  5. Advertising in the Sydney Morning Herald Saturday Edition,
  6. Early News section with a then Audited Circulation 500,000, and 
  7. Conceiving and Giving Birth to my Life Saving/Giving Dream.

                     NEXT, I ask these very important questions…

    • Why is it that since 1921, stats consistently say that 75% Suicides are Males??? and
    • (My very strong conclusion is that the most likely and OBVIOUS reason for this
    • Is the link with T for Testosterone, explained in the ads and video below.) and then…


                             To the (still heavily) Male Dominated MEDICAL PROFESSION(World Wide)

  • While, (particularly since COVID),
  • It has and continues to work TRUE “Minor Miracles
  • To cure a huge range of ailments and afflictions
  • It appears to have no-one in its Profession who has the Innovative Thinking,  Emotional Intelligence, EMPATHY and Personal Experience to seek out this all VERY PUBLIC Information, absorb it, “process” it, and then ACT.


  • To ALL the Government Funded organisation (♥♥EXCEPT LIFELINE♥♥),
  • e.g. beyondblue who our Elected M.P.’s pour ever increasing numbers of $$Billions$$ into; to solve these problems…
  • e.g. the 105,232 “Good Aussies” who ended their own lives on the last 43 years,
  • 75% being us MALES??? and 
  • To ALL Politicians, Australia Wide, starting from the TOP with Prime Minister Albanese failing to ACT AT ALL, not even to respond to my email of December 2023 requesting…
  • To address his FULL Cabinet in Person at Parliament House in order to explain and deliver my PLAN (For FULL officially received correspondence go to Suicidal Politics on top menu bar).


  • And where is the Australia Media? In particular OUR ABC?
  • It compliments itself:-  As a VOICE Australia Wide,
  • Giving ALL our 26 M. Aussies some air time to tell THEIR stories… 


  • But Evidently Not to NON-PERSONS like myself
  • A NON Professional Person
  • Not a member of a ANY Community Group and is  
  • Challenging and asking Penetrating, Awkward Questions of ALL the above groups!

Why do I or can I say this ???

  • Because after writing to P.M. Albanese in Dec. 2023, I put not one but three monthly Adverts in the Early News Section of the Saturday Edition of the Sydney Morning Herald (at my own expense),
  • Specifically aimed at M.P.s, the AMA, beyondblue etc


I now continue my story as per the 3 adverts below featuring Professor Carol Hooven and her wonderful book Testosterone. The Story of the Hormone that Dominates and Divides US, and our VERY OWN Tim Winton.

After recently celebrating  in the Barossa Valley LEADER (Click now here) A Decade of Fortnightly Suicide Prevention Adverts since 8.6.2013 – 4 Article in this wonderful Family Owned Local Barossa Paper. In late 2015, I also started in the ECHO, Byron Shire WEEKLY, Byron Bay N.S.W, and since this time, the same fortnightly advert goes in THIS privately owned Community Paper too.
Below is the actual picture for the  more recent Dec 20 article Leader’s last edition for 2023, followed by my scan of the actual, relevant page- sorry it’s  SCRATCHY at best, making the pic. detail hard to see.
FYI, it took 3 of us a full HOUR to set-up and SNAP this Pic, with Ron behind his mobile camera – my ACE photographer; and his Partner in Crime the Lovely Ai (Japanese for Love, who went to the same school as Yoko ONO!!!) – but is the current owner of 2 Maltese – and Dog Whisperer Extraordinaire; not 2 4get, my ACE BLACK & SAM!!!


where the e donates – the Adult Course of Emotional Intelligence is available online. 

N.B. to find out about my own Brothel experiences, and Lobbying the S.A. Parliament for Sex Worker’s proper rights – being able to Work Legally for starters – and Safe Working Conditions, simply press the “Suicidal Politics” menu tab. 

I must have penned 3-400 poems in my lifetime. Written for the day Rudd said SORRY, The Gracious ART of Sorry rates in the TOP 5 of my ‘best’, and is my very own example of Life Safe Emotional Intelligence, eIQ, that ALL Aussies should know.

For podcast of my Radio National Interview played on “Breakfast with Fran Kelly a little after 6.00 am on this wonderful day, goto Suicidal Politics and scroll down.


Dream BIG Final




*Some men see things as they are, and ask WHY? I dream of things that never were, and ask WHY NOT?*





*Penned* by George Bernard Shaw, (1856-1950), made famous by President J.F. Kennedy, (1917-1963) and brother Robert Kennedy in his campaign 4 Presidency in 1968, (1929-1968).

With Martin Luther King Jr. (1925-1968), these 3 HUGE & BRAVE  agents of change, ALL HAD BIG DREAMS but so sadly all died young by assassination.

 While I can’t remember   exactly when I first heard Shaw’s wonderful quote, it may well have been around the time Neil Armstrong put Man’s 1st foot on the Moon (1968), a dream first ‘launched’ some years earlier, by the visionary President, JFK.

But the first time I heard it, it went STRAIGHT IN to my Mind, Heart and Soul; where it has STAYED. It now inspires me with a great Passion, to MY DREAM, to change the way Suicide Prevention is UNDERSTOOD and DELIVERED!


N.B. This is a PUBLIC Information DOMAIN dedicated to increasing the Emotional Awareness AND Intelligence, Health and Happiness in WHOLE Communities. It is
If you are needing Help, go *STRAIGHT to the *Professional *Help lines below,
Or ANY other *Contact suggested by the below Contacts/Numbers/Web Sites
*EMERGENCY 000, *ANY DOCTOR, *LIFELINE 13 11 14 in *Australia, and 
The *Equivalents* in Other Countries.

 For those most welcome new visitors to this site, if you want to have a (2016) GOOD LOOK AT ME, WHO I AM, WHAT I DO – AND WHY???, (8 minute video featuring my then Trusty Sheep Dog Angel, my most loved Barossa Hills, (Including my SHEEP DOG JOKE)…

Scroll down past some of my best adverts, starting with my FAVOURITE,

The Me That U never See…

Scroll right down till you come to a

BLUE sign saying CROWD FUNDING for NSW Suicide Prevention ads,

Immediately below this pls find my 2016 BBC radio interview with Claudia Hammond of HEALTH CHECK and Professor Keith Hawton, Prof. of Suicide Research at Oxford University, with appraisal and critique of my work.

Pls note I TOTALLY FORGAVE CLAUDIA for saying to what could have been 1,000,000 BBC listeners that 

The Barossa Valley, was in N.S.W.!!!


My very Best Love and Best Wishes go out

To EVERYONE who visits this site

I do hope you have a rich, fruitful, and informing experience.

tim barritt x



    The ME That U NEVER SEE!


Hang on TIGHT 2 Life!

Every 3 hours, one ‘Good Aussie’ Commits Suicide!

As a Sheep Farmer, Poet, Entertainer, Busker in London Underpasses, 1973, (my favourite Pitch was the underpass tunnel, corner Tottenham Court Road and Oxford Street, just 20Meters up from the Gentleman’s Toilet (I used to tell people it was the Busking Pitch with EVERY Convenience). I read my Poems in the Poetry Clubs, I also ended up doing a tiny amount of paid GIGS in the Folk Clubs…

A HUGE SHOUT-OUT to Phillip Adams AO,

For writing a FOUR Sentence Foreword to my 2’nd self Published Book of Poems

Common Thread (1995)

After I launched my 1st Book, Harvest Time of Dying (1989), a wonderful Barossa Woman wrote to me saying… 

“If you have a LIGHT, don’t HIDE IT UNDER A TABLE!”

It’s only taken 35 Years to act on her advice –

Click on Tab below for Front/Back Covers and Foreword

Common Thread Phillip Adams AO


There is NOTHING on this site for sale. I earn my living running sheep –  not selling Poetry or Suicide Prevention.


*Please NOTE.  This is NOT a *HELP site

*If you are feeling Suicidal or struggling with UR Mental Health, if urgent, numbers for Australia only, *Dial 000, see ANY *Doctor, *Suicide Callback 1300 659 467, *Lifeline 13 11 14. If less urgent see ANY Doctor or Mental Health Professional, go to beyondblue or Lifeline websites or by telephone as recommended on those sites.


Am I not Pretty Enough???

Last decade 25,304 Aussies Suicided. 6,089 were ‘Beautiful‘  Aussie Females.


Unlock UR Heart

Love – or Lack of it – causes so many Suicides…

Especially when we STOP loving ourselves!


Broken and Lonely hearts cause many Suicides.

Anatomy of a Broken Heart!


Sex Abuse and Domestic Violence.

Why do I do Suicide Prevention AND Domestic Violence?

Why do I know so much about HEAVY DUTY emotional Pain?

Because I got VIOLENTLY SEXUALLY ASSAULTED – age 15 – in 1967!◊◊◊

Depression, Situational Crisis and



Sex Appeal.

It works for selling cars and practically anything else. It’s also a VERY important ingredient for Suicide Prevention.



We like our ducks – ALL Lined up in a row!


Who’s this sheep farmer bloke anyway?

The following story appeared in the ‘South Australian Showcase’ – celebrating a ‘Showcase of Inspiration’ of country South Australia by Country Press S.A. “which was inserted into all member newspapers across the State” the first week of September 2014, for the Adelaide Show.  Click once, then twice on image to enlarge to read the text.


Where does he live and why does he do Suicide Prevention?

While my crowdfunding attempts to raise money for adverts in the Sydney Morning Herald did NOT prove successful (crowdfunding site closed), if you want to ‘meet’ me in person, along with my trusty sheep dog ‘Angel’ – in my home town of Lyndoch – this 8 minute video might just give you a laugh, and introduce you ‘in another way’ – to who I am and what I do.


Podcast of BBC Radio interview with Claudia Hammond of BBC ‘Health Check’ and

Professor Keith Hawton – Director of Suicide Research at Oxford University…

with Critique and Appraisal of my work.

Recorded March 2016 – with grateful thanks to Claudia Hammond (TWO degrees in Psychology), and of course the BBC.


*Please note… this is NOT a *HELP site…

*If you are feeling Suicidal or struggling with UR Mental Health, if urgent, numbers for Australia only, *Dial 000, see ANY *Doctor, *Suicide Callback 1300 659 467, *Lifeline 13 11 14. If less urgent see ANY Doctor or Mental Health Professional, go to beyondblue or Lifeline websites or by telephone as recommended on these sites.

Also important to note

  • There is nothing on this site ‘for sale’. I earn my money running sheep, NOT placing ads.
  • I DO NOT give Professional advice which I am NOT qualified to do…
  • My adverts at all times highlight the many, many issues which cause Suicide – educating the ‘Whole Community’, teens to old age and then…
  • Guide those at risk and those around them into *Professional Care as *above.
  • After 10 years I am currently – 15.10.23 – writing my 277th advert (all completely different) , they have appeared in three separate S.A. Papers and one in NSW without to date… one single complaint from anyone.

As far as I am aware, they are unique not only in Australia, but world wide. They do not seek to replace OR compete with Professionals, Organizations, Doctors, Mental Health Professionals, Lifeline, beyondblue, Black Dog etc….

They are intended to enhance Community awareness of most of the related issues around Suicide, without relying on Acts of Parliament, new or different organizations etc. or massive injections of public money.

They are also DIRT CHEAP. Working on the average ‘charity’ reduced advertising rate – for being a community service, and assuming only a 10% reader uptake of the advert, they cost around 10 cents a read. Just how much is one ‘good Aussie’s’ life worth!

I use pictures, humor,  graphic design and SEX APPEAL to ‘draw my reader in’ to the ad. I also use Love, 70 years of my own ‘ups and downs’ as experience. I try to make them easy to read and take in, with non Professional, non threatening language,  and concentrate on the common, universal issues which cause Suicides like Heartbreak, Situational Crisis, Loneliness, Trauma and Mental Health issues.

Since I started this journey June 23rd 2013, with my very first advert – I have spent over $23,000 of my own, hard earned  money placing adverts myself – but now have two totally anonymous fortnightly sponsors, one for my ads in the Barossa ‘Leader’ (23,000 readers), and the other for my ads in the Byron Shire Weekly, NSW, (50,000 readers and free online as well).

The ‘ethic’ behind All my ads is to highlight the many issues, largely learned from 70 years of my own life experiences, then guide readers into Professional Help as above.

Importantly, they are ALSO intended to teach partners, lovers, family, friends, work/team mates and everyone else in the community the signs and circumstances of emotional pain, so they can play a key role in keeping others alive! Initially by encouraging them to get this Professional Help ASAP, and next by offering their own valuable love, caring and support.  The Life you save – might NOT just be your own!


The site also has some info about who I am, why I do what I do, the history of these adverts, and my contact details.

Updated 24.3.25.

tim barritt. x











