The Politics of Suicide in Australia.
Letter to PM sent 6.55 am 28.1.24
For the complete download of response from P.M.s Office click on the link above
(Or pls read on below 4 Print version)
No response from P.M. as of 24.3.2025.
Not being able to “SIT” on the steps of Parliament House CANBERRA, after my second Sydney Morning Herald Advert on “Male Violence Towards Women” came out on Sat 27 Jan ’24, I’ve done the next best thing.
I’ve emailed P.M. Albanese, requesting a 30-minute presentation in person, to his whole cabinet, pls press above for download of the official receipt (by P.M.’s Office) which includes my FULL EMAIL CONTENT.
♦♦♦ P.M. Office Official reply Email Starts here. ♦♦♦
From: <> Sent: Sunday, January 28, 2024 6:56 AM To: Subject: Your message to the Prime Minister [SEC=OFFICIAL]
Thank you for your message to the Prime Minister at For your records, a copy of your message is set out at the bottom of this email.
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Submitted on Sun 28/01/2024 – 7:11 am
Title Mr F irst name Tim Family name Barritt Email address Phone 0402018163 Address
146 Trial Hill Road Pewsey Vale Pewsey Vale SA 5351 Australia
Subject Request for 30 Minute Presentation to Full Cabinet re Suicide and Male Violence Prevention. Your message
Dear Prime Minister,
When I heard you say in your election speech that “Australia can Reach for the Stars” my old heart skipped a few beats and I said to myself that’s MY PRIME MINISTER and MY GOVERNMENT.
The outstanding improvement from the previous “situation”; is that; without exception, your Ministers have “quietly” and meticulously explained what they are doing and why, how there are going to do it, and when this is expected to be done. Your recent statement “We are always prepared to revisit and review issues concerning us Aussies as needed” i.e. “on the run” also impressed very much. I should NOT pick one Minister (apart from yourself of course) out, but Minister Wong is a real standout, in her quiet “understated way” she is a VERY STRONG, EFFECTIVE Foreign Minister; a true role model for us all, particularly all Women and Girls.
I write re my 2’nd advert in the Sydney Morning Herald yesterday (Jan 27. Pg 18, on “Male Violence against Women”; and my 1st on Dec 2, pg. 22, with headline “100,000 Aussie Suicides” (43 years, 1980 – 2022 inc). The sub headlines, the same for both “Increasing Emotional Intelligence in Whole Communities”.
Having just celebrated a decade of placing fortnightly, USER-END and USER-FRIENDLY individual adverts in the Barossa Leader (currently writing ad # 283), from 18.6.2013 and Byron Shire ECHO since late 2015, I have formulated my own “Dream” which is now called my 6-pt Dream, for fundamentally value adding to ALL EXISTING Mental Health Services and Community Groups by Filling the Huge GAP of Emotional Knowledge between the Medical Profession and Government funded organisations; and us END USERS like you P.M. and me.
Rather than fill this email with words, this whole Dream is clearly articulated on my website While I’m sure your professional staff will access this letter and proposal and give you a “report back”, the BEST way for you P.M. is to do this yourself, so you actually get the original and hopefully articulate, Life Saving message, straight from me to you, without someone else’s interpretation being put on it.
I respectfully invite you to do this, I am a VERY SLOW reader, and the following took me 10 minutes. One my home page, go straight to the picture of me and my ACE sheepdog SAM on my Landcruiser in front of my new silo, and read the Leader Article below, then straight to my graph, then read on down till you get to my 6-pt dream (3 panels w black Borders), and lastly the immediate 2 Adverts below featuring our Wedge Tailed Eagles, and the wonderful, dynamic Professor Carole Hooven and her work.
You will see this comprehensive, radical plan will need both ACTs, and full support form all Federal and State Parliaments; and leadership from “THE TOP” which is why I have shifted my DREAM campaign to the SMH, paying for them myself. Effectively, I AM and have been, and STILL AM, totally “invisible” to Mainstream Media because I‘m a NON-PROFESSIONAL and do NOT BELONG to a COMMUNITY GROUP; a burden I’ve had to endure since I started June 2013. Ironically, the one exception to this was my BBC Radio interview with HEALTH CHECK with Claudia Hammond, your staff can just scroll down near bottom of home page to listen.
I am currently negotiating the possibility of another interview ASAP, they want to know “what is different now from 2016’ and I have waited till my second advert in the SMH and writing to you, before responding. If this goes ahead, I feel sure they will take a keen interest in our Aussie Government’s reception and ACTion. So as an Aussie “Nobody” P.M., I formally ask for a 30-minute audience with you FULL CABINET, in person, at your Government’s earliest convenience.
It will take me that long to go through it and explain, particularly the Concept of Emotional Intelligence. My perception is that most Aussies have possibly never heard the term, let alone know what it might involve. I will not beg you; but IMPLORE you to take my words, MY DREAM, my trip to Canberra seriously P.M. and all members of your Cabinet.
As my Jan 27 advert says and implies; if your Government was SO CONCERNED (quite rightly) about rushing though Legislation to Prevent Criminal Behavior of a small number of the 148 Detainees after the High Court decision; with ALL the time spent doing this ACTion…
When one of your UNKNOWN Aussie citizens, who believes in Reaching for the Stars comes up with a plan to significantly reduce Male Violent Criminal acts Particularly to Females, and Protect Women and Children’s Lives and Mental Health from these Criminal Actions (also included in my Plan), 30 minutes of Labor’s valuable time appears to me to be a small ‘price’; for your Government to “pay”.
My “Brief”, from wherever it comes from, it does not matter, is to save potentially hundreds of thousands of Aussie Lives IN FUTURE, and OVER GENERATIONS. The 102,018 Aussies lives lost (as per my graph) cannot speak, but live in our hearts forever. But I ACT, and SPEAK for and on behalf of those future Hearts, Bodies Minds and Souls that will Suicide AND Suffer Domestic Violence in future; if something radical is not done ASAP.
When you said “Australia can Reach for the Stars” This STAR GAZER P.M.: is eagerly, simply and very passionately, responding to your beautiful call.
Very Sincerely Tim Barritt.
0402018163 146, Trail Hill Road, Pewsey Vale, S.A. 5351.
Pls click on link below my 1st SMH Ad Outlining my DREAM, on actual NEWS pg 18 of SMH.
SMH Ad # 2 Sat 27.1.24
Prof. Hooven’s Book on Testosterone
SMH Ad # 3 Sat 2.3.24
Below this is historic, 31.7.2016, but worth a read if interested.
For Download/Print 3P pdf including last 2 pages of financial info not shown on this page below click … The Politics of Suicide Prevention Updated 31.7.16
By Tim Barritt. Updated 31.7.16.
$5.5 Billion / Year on Infrastructure – $41 Million / Year on beyondblue
This is less the one percent of infrastructure expense amount,
with 1,153 Road Fatalities but 2,864 Suicides (1,711 more) – in 2014.
Our Physical ‘Infrastructure’ vs the ‘Emotional Roads’ of 24 Million Aussies.
Commonwealth/State Funding for beyondblue, 2014/15.
P2 of this download is from the Consolidated Financial Statements for Australia’s Peak body for Suicide Prevention beyondblue, for the year ended 30 June 2015, which tells us…
- The Commonwealth, States and Territories contributed $41 Million to beyondblue
- This was approx 78% on beyondblue total revenue for this financial year.
Federal Funding for infrastructure 2007-2014.
P3 is from Australian Parliamentary website which gives the ‘Estimated Actual’ Federal expentiture on infrastructure across Australia from 2007-2014, which tells us the following…
- In these 7 years a total of $38,379 Million was spent
- or and average of $5,482 Million per year
- or approx $5.5 Billion/year.
Road Fatalities vs Suicides 1983-2013.
During this 33 year period Road Fatalities have gone from 22.27 /100,000 of population in 1980 to 4.90/100,000 in 2013, a reduction of 78%.
While Suicides were 10.9/100,000 in 1983, and were 12.2/100,000 in 2014.
In REAL Fatalities, this means 1,153 Road Deaths in 2014, while 2,864 Suicided.
In 2014 the then CEO of beyondblue, Ms Kate Carnell said the following, after the 2012/13 figures came out, 2,535 Aussies or nearly 7 Suicides/day.
”This represents a national tragedy and should act as a call to action for all Australians to tackle the issue of suicide”.
beyondblue media release 25.3.14.
I wonder if there is any Politician in Australia who is able to tell their electors and electors children – why it is that they think this situation has developed?
N.B. last 2 pages with financial info is ONLY available on pdf click here
The Politics of Suicide Prevention 12.1.16
Tim Barritt.
Updated 31.7.16.