Artificial Intelligence and Social Media.

There is NO A.I. used on this site, OR the preparation thereof.

I use NO SOCIAL MEDIA to Promote or Progress this site.

(I DO have 2 Facebook sites I started years ago. No longer used. Can’t delete.)


Sources for Adverts. Data for Graphs. Actual Suicides not per 100,00 of Population.

ALL sources for my Ads are meticulously backed-up with stated credible references. 

The sources of All data used on this site, in particular my unique Graph plotting *Suicides vs Road Deaths are also shown.

(On the Australian Parliamentary Website, I am no longer able to find a lot  of my old *data as it appears to have been archived. This is where my historic Data retained on this site is so important, as readers can seen EXACTLY where I got it from, when it WAS more freely available.)

I have stopped plotting Suicides vs Road Fatals per 100,000 of population because:-

  • I’m Directly Concerned with comparing ACTUAL DEATHS of BOTH these causes
  • over the SAME TIME FRAME and SAME EXTERNAL Circumstances.
  • If Australia can reduce Road Fatalities  from 9/Day to 3/day in 44 years
  • While Suicides have INCREASED from 4 1/2/Day to 9/day in the same time frame
  • There is Clearly a need for a BOLD, NEW, INNOVATIVE STRATEGY 
  • Starting with a Mandatory USER-END USER FRIENDLY
  • “WHOLE OF LIFE” COURSE In years 9-12, Linked to Driver’s License Applications
  • (No PASS of this course, NO LICENSE) 
  • Then, after 3 years the same LINK for ALL Driver’s Licence RENEWALS


Advertising in the Barossa Leader STOPPED circa July 2024.

I placed 392 fortnightly Adverts starting 18.6.2013 and finishing circa July 2024, never missed a deadline, even after my August 2013 Competition Squash Court heart Attack. 

Partly due to Leader Editorial’s watchful eye,, I have not had ONE SINGLE COMPLAINT that I am aware of, from anywhere, or anyone.

Circa June 2023, this Family owned Country Newspaper had a reshuffle of Senior Management, resulting in different Editorial standards on my Adverts…

Which slowly began to be censored to the point that

  • the things I was able to say for a whole decade
  • where no longer able to be said in the same way.
  • i.e. Adverts that were accepted for 10 years were no longer able to be run.

I lasted a year, before sadly but finally ‘pulling the pin’ Circa July 2023.

I owe a HUGE DEBT of GRATITUDE to The Leader, and ALL its Management and Staff

  •  If it was not for the Leader, you would not be reading this
  • BECAUSE THIS SITE and MY DREAM – WOULD NEVER have been Created.

They made a perfectly reasonable decision to restructure and I made a perfectly reasonable decision to STOP my ads. And move on.


LONG LIVE Privately Owned LOCAL Newspapers!



The TWO biggest enemies of Sex Workers are not the Police, but


Quote from Senior Management, S.A. Sex Industry Network. Circa 2011.


My Great, Great Grandparents arrived in Adelaide on the same boat in 1839, were Quakers from Essex in Kent. There’s an old Quaker saying which STILL DRIVES and GUIDES me today…

Thou hast a CONCERN. Therefore thou must A.C.T.

In the 1950’s and ’60’s I was born into a Family where my Dad was a Warden at Holy Trinity Church near my hometown of Lyndoch. My great Grandpa, his first wife and 2 of their sons are buried it the Church Cemetary opposite.

In 1958 got sent, at age 9, to a large all male boarding school close to the Adelaide CBD, where I stayed for 9 years (8 1/2 of the unhappiest years of my life), where we had to attend church, and had “prayer light” in our dorms before going to bed.

I stopped believing in ANY “TRADITIONAL WHITE RELIGION” age circa 15, and any Religion in any of adverts, is conspicuous by its ABSENCE!



The “REAL” reason for this BIAS lies in the 2 VIOLENT SEXUAL ASSAULTS which I endured at age 15, in the ‘safety’ of my own home, either side of Christman 1967, while on my long school holidays.

This story is in the public domain in many of my ads starting circa Ad # 5.

I have a saying which goes…

SOMETIMES THE SH** that happens to us, turns out to be


This is why my 5 point DREAM is filled with many ways to reduce Male Violence to Women and Children, Minority Groups + other Community Members. 


This should be the  MAJOR FOCUS of any PLAN to Time Efficiently Reduce the Suicide Rates over the next 44 years as the maths simply show…

105,000 Suicide in 44 years = 105,000 x 75% = 78,750 Aussie Males PLUS

Going Forward into the next 5 decades.

(It is harder to reduce Female Suicides because, like Road Fatalities as per my graph have bottomed out, and further reduction will be a lot harder to achieve.) 


PEOPLE and BOOKS that have my Life and Community Work.

(In the order I came across them)

1. Abused Boys. The Neglected VICTIMS of SEXUAL ABUSE

By Mic Hunter. Psychologist and Chemical Dependency Counselor. 

A Fawcett Columbine Book. First published 1990. 339 Pages.

2. THE HAPPINESS TRAP. Stop Struggling, Start Living.

By Dr Russ Harris M.D. (G.P. in Aus.)

1st Published by Exisle Publishing Limited 2007. 280 Pages.


By *Charlie *Mackesy. Copyright 2019. Penguin Random House.

Circa 126 Pages of Drawings and Conversations.

  • *This book is for everyone, whether you are eighty or eight – I feel like I’m both sometimes.*

4. TESTOSTERONE. The Story of the Hormone that Dominates and Divides US.

By Professor *Carole *Hooven of Harvard University.

First Published 2021 by Cassel. 338 pgs.

Dedicated to her son Griffin, as per this direct quote on the last page of her actual text (pg 260 she says…

“One of my favorite things(OK, not top of his list) is to talk with Griffin about the powerful and fascinating changes that are just starting to take place in his body and mind – the hormone-driven changes preprogrammed by eons of evolution.” …

…”Masculine feelings are not toxic; he is not toxic for having them. What matters are his actions, and he has control over those.” …

Followed by her VERY LAST SENTENCE of her actual TEXT…

“Becoming a man is a beautiful thing. But- like every man – my son should enjoy his T responsibly.”

Tim Barritt. x


Below is historical.


Partly due to me being a ‘NON-PROFESSIONAL’ and NOT PART OF ANY GROUP, and consequently being almost completely INVISIBLE to ALL MEDIA AND M.P.’s since I started this journey June 2013…

And partly due to there being ever increasing amounts of DIS-INFORMATION world wide, 

It is VERY important that both my work AND this site has the best integrity standards I can muster.

  • Rather than create an expensive, flash, ‘good-looking’ website, I have built it leaving ALL the previous content since I started, going back to almost 2013. This gives my valued visitors the opportunity to see EXACTLY what I was doing, and when. The whole of the middle line of the 3 lines of menu is dedicated to this, and where appropriate, I have the previous content underneath the current content. 
  • In my adverts, and on this site, I am meticulous in giving  credits to the sources used or the LINK or ‘what to Google’ to these sources as appropriate. 

For the astute visitors (hopefully ALL of them) who may wonder “What is this bloke up to and where is he coming from”

  • My first-generation Family (1839) had strong Quacker Blood (THOU HAST A CONCERN, THEREFORE THO MUST ACT), I was bought up in the Church of England and went to one of this Churches Boarding School. But I never actually ‘caught’ ANY religion.

The closest I can come to describing what is behind this site is cut and pasted here below from “Suicidal Politics” menu.


  • I “sat” on the Steps of Parliament House in 2010/11, for 3 whole days from 8.15 am to 5.30 am with no Back-UP or support. One reason I was able to do this was my time spent Busking in the underground tunnels in London CBD, in 1973.This cost me around $3,000 in Signs, Media Releases and 2 Large Submissions posted individually to all 68 M.P.   Link to my original website earthangel181 website press this tab Kindly Note Well…Around this time I created an AKA of earthangel181 which has allowed me to write my 3rd Book of Poems (currently unpublished)… am still looking for a publisher… called “It Wasn’t Just Because you Called Me Darling”Sweet of Poems for Sex Workers and their Clients written by An OLD TIMER, Clumsy Hearted Rhymer.earthangel181On the 181 homepage you can find my complete 2nd Submission including the poem I wrote for ALL Sitting Members “Whose Body is a Whore’s?”and 3 of my very first Brothel poems. Pls note,I keep this AKA well away from my Suicide Prevention work as it has religious connotations. In reality,I have NO RELIGION.My community efforts, such as they may be, are powered partly by one special spot against ULURU, near the visitors car park. While walking alone (circa 2003), I suddenly felt this huge energy coming vertically down the side of the rock and into the ground below.Knowing nothing about this energy, and being totally alone, I stripped off, and lay down for a short but very special time, and let it pass through me, and accumulate in my Body, Heart and Soul. It is with me now as I write, and I use it to create a rainbow of energy from ULUROO to myself and surrounds, and another which currently covers All of our most beautiful country, with an extra special “DOSE”over Parliament House Canberra. It’s PURE POSITIVE, LOVING, CONSTRUCTIVE, UNIVERSAL, HEALING ENERGY.

The books that have influenced me MOST are as follows…

  1. Abused Boys by Psychologist Mic Hunter, first published by Fawcett Columbine 1990. Without this wonderful book, I may well have ‘perished’ a long time ago. I was VIOLENTLY SEXUALLY ASSAULTED on my (boarding school holidays) by someone bigger, stronger; but very loved, valued and looked up to, who was living in the same house, I was “sworn to secrecy”, and my bedroom had a lock on my window, but none on my door. As I say in my adverts, I ALSO lost my personal freedom for a short time with my hands chained behind my back with steel chain. STILL keeping his secret, I recently attended his funeral in 2022.
  2. The Happiness Trap   by Dr Russ Harris, first Published by Exile 2007. Bing a very slow reader, it only took me around a decade to ‘get the gist’ of what he was up too, but I do carry a little bit of Mindfulness in my System, and occasionally in my adverts.

Please be patient. This section not completed yet.

Tim Barritt
