Born 18.1.1951 in the South Australian Barossa Valley Ranges near my hometown of Lyndoch, here is a brief update…
I am an (almost) complete recluse; except for my Farm Work and Responsibilities, and keeping in close touch with 2 of my Beautiful Daughters, and my 4 Beautiful Grand-Daughters (to date) …
After the last 15 years in which I lost my 34 year old marriage, had a competition squash court heart attack (2013), Melanoma (2009);- mortgaged my retirement in a property Settlement June 30, 2018, insuring my EX was fairly and properly ‘looked after‘ – and is living in the place where she wanted to be, (I had to borrow AU $500,000 ) to do this…
I have finally come to the realisation that I am basically
- in very good shape,
- very fit working physically hard
- on what is now MY 2300 Acre Grazing Property,
- and not only am I aiming to live to at least 100,
- I have a LOT to both GIVE AND RECEIVE
- To and from
- Our World and Universe.
I don’t use Social Media…
Or have a working T.V. in my house…
But at night I sleep with the BOTH the BBC and ABC which
Keeps me well informed and
Makes my nights a little less lonely.
So I have 3 STRONG threads to my Life
- Looking after my BODY, MIND and SOUL
- Interacting closely with my Daughters and Grand-Daughters
- Progressing my 5-Point Dream in Australia and Beyond.
best wishes
tim barritt
Preventative Community Health
Reaching for the STARS
Below is Historic…
I was born in 1951, and since I lost my 33 y.o. marriage to separation in 2009, I live on my own with my 2 dogs. I run sheep for a living on a steep and rugged Grazing Property in the Barossa Ranges near Lyndoch, have lived here all my life, raised 3 beautiful daughters and been actively involved with my Community for all this time.
While I have never actually been suicidal, I know ‘this territory’ like I know my farm and beautiful hills, like the back of my hand.
In more recent times – my Community involvement has included my bi monthly 500 word Men’s Health Column ‘Male Box’ in the Gawler ‘Bunyip’ (Circ 9,000, Readership 30,000). Click here to download my upcoming Feb edition copy. Towards a Gun Safe Community. Male Box for Feb 16. This started in 2007 (currently working on my 52nd consecutive edition – 23.1.16.) and is funded by the Gawler Health Foundation and Gawler Rotary Club. While it’s ‘officially’ a Men’s column – here I tell one of my best kept secrets – I write for my Female Readers too. Please, please DON’T tell anyone about this. If my sponsors find out – I’ll be in a lot of trouble – and they’ll probably pull my funding!
Apart from losing my marriage, two other relevant events helped to shape my life forever. I got violently sexually attacked (technically but not actually raped) – just 3 weeks short of my 16th birthday in Jan 1967, and a little while after this I ‘ran away from home’ – put my guitar, my poems and myself on a plane to London, where in 1972/3 I finally ended up working in the London Underground and pedestrian underpasses as a busker – also doing a small amount of work in the Folk Clubs as and entertainer. This was one of the richest times of my life. I never lived on the street – but I spent a LOT of time there!
While I have in fact never been suicidal, I know this ‘territory’ very, very well. 65 years of life experiences have taught me how to look after myself ,view the world, survive and be at least halfway happy – from the very bottom up!
To quote a Beautiful Aussie (83 year old) Woman I know …
‘ I’m not worn out! Just VERY WELL TRAVELLED!!!’
My biggest and best ‘qualification’ for writing these ads is NOT ON ANY PIECE OF PAPER. I know at first and personal hand – my own way around ‘heavy duty’ emotional pain.
Despite these things and a recent competition squash induced heart attack (14.8.13.), one stent in – outcome and my ‘outlook’ is all good, I remain a very positive and more than halfway happy person, have a twinkle in my eye, love to make people laugh – and fully expect to live till I’m 90!
I’m happiest when I’m walking beneath my most beautiful stars with my dogs at any time between twilight Dusk and twilight Dawn …
and when I am figuring out a new and innovative way to gently get my foot through the door of someone else’s beautiful, precious heart – anywhere around our Planet…
To ‘plant’ a little positive thought, poem or life saving seed – that hopefully might bear some fruit – maybe and perhaps – long after I am gone!
My very best wishes and my best Love always from
tim x
Updated 28.5.16.