Below is a short explanation of WHAT is WHERE in this site to help you get the best from your visit and find things more time efficiently. 

1. This is a VERY OLD site, started circa 2014, with a LARGE amount of Content and Data, which has been added to over the last decade…


3. The whole TOP LINE of Menus is current (last 2 years) and updated for 2025, with Previous Historic pages meticulously kept below this update, indicated withBelow is Historic

4.The WHOLE OF MIDDLE LINE of Menus is historic, kept to enhance my work’s Integrity, all dated going back almost to when I first began this 15 Year journey when placing my first ad. in the Barossa Leader,  18.6.2013.

5.This post dating is to enhance the Site’s INTEGRITY, as you can

6. ‘Track’ my progress over 10 years and in particular and very importantly…

7.Find the ACTUAL sources to the Data and Quotes I have used at that time.. e.g. Some of the Road and Suicide Stats I used at the time with the attribute to the website/URL are NO LONGER available due to them being “ARCHIVED” on the Parliamentary Website.

Please ENJOY UR Stay!

tim barritt x


(Below is historical).

As my Valued Visitor, I would like you to get the most benefit from your experience.

To discover what I’m doing NOW (from mid 2023)

First read down Homepage till you get to my Historical Adverts starting with ‘The me that U never see’ .

Second goto Suicidal Politics and scroll down.

 For an 8 minute, Politically-Incorrect, 2016 video, filmed from above my hometown of Lyndoch, Barossa Valley, on the back of my Landcruiser with my motorbike, my then ‘ACE’ sheepdog Angel, and takes you through who I am, what I do and what I’m STILL doing 8 years later, and shows the reasons I’m still doing it.  

 In order to value add to the site integrity, I have deleted NOTHING since I started, so the middle menu line is all HISTORICAL

So not only can you see and access what I’m doing today, but also view EXACTLY what I was doing since I started. 

The OTHER Menu’s should be self explanatory.


Tim Barritt

Updated 20.5.24.
