
My name is Tim Barritt, Sheep Farmer, Poet and Preventative Community Health Activist – from the Barossa Valley of South Australia.

You can find me on (61) 04 02 018 163. Leave a message if needed – and I will ring you back if within Australia. My mobile usually does not leave my side, 24/7, but I can often be out of range – particularly if out working in my hills.

If you are calling from outside Australia and get my voicemail, I can call you back if you are from any major world centers, e.g. U.K. or U.S.A., leave a message and I can ring you back, otherwise you can email and we can arrange a Zoom or Skype.

My contact email is

Mailing address is

P.O. Box 20,
S.A. 5351, Australia.

 Love to hear from you!

Tim Barritt

Updated 1.1.2025.
